
Himalayan Gourmet Salt-Truly unique and healthy
Himalayan Gourmet Salt-Truly unique and healthy
Himalayan salt pink and white crystals sparkle like diamonds attesting to their natural purity. This totally natural salt contains over 84 trace minerals, including all those known to be essential for good health and vitality. Unlike most “food grade” salts, Himalayan Gourmet Salt is not processed with chemicals and contains no preservatives or additives.
Pink salt and wormwood- simple and effective remedy to cure vertigo (head spinning) for good
Pink salt and wormwood- simple and effective remedy to cure vertigo (head spinning) for good
My father suffered from vertigo for several years. He dared not travel very far. He couldn't drive himself or travel by air. He was so obsessed with it and he thought that his life came to an end. When he woke up, it would hit him again. Once, he fell off the bed and broke his arm. He tried used hundreds and hundreds of doses of Chinese traditional medicine. Each time, he felt a little better but then the head spinning would return. Then he tried bulk pink salt and wormwood under his pillow at night and the vertigo went away for good.
Any person who has hemorrhoids knows how bad it can be. It is a very painful experience. There is a simple home remedy for hemorrhoids which may allow you to avoid painful surgery. My mother used it and hemorrhoids disappeared in three days. This is an effective way to cure hemorrhoids that I learned from a patient who had one inch hemorrhoids out. He did it and it was very successful. NO MORE HEMORRHOIDS WITH HIMALAYAN PINK SALT AND SCALLION.
Ginger and Pink salt to help low blood pressure and low blood hemoglobin - Vietnamese alternative medicine
Ginger and Pink salt to help low blood pressure and low blood hemoglobin - Vietnamese alternative medicine
Nowadays, many people have low blood pressure especially young people. It doesn’t cause stroke right away like high blood pressure but it causes dozen of uncomfortable symptoms such as dizzy, headache, pale, low energy, pimples and tumor. This absolutely has a big impact on our daily live. Using pink salt and ginger may help to solve this problem.
The Role of Natural Salt in the Body- Balancing Body Fluids
The Role of Natural Salt in the Body- Balancing Body Fluids
As you may know, your body is made up of complex systems that work together in clearly defined ways. Everything you put into your body (and those things that you deprive it of) has an impact on your body’s function and on your health. We will learn about the role that natural salt plays in your body and how some of the specific minerals it contains can impact your health. More specifically, you will learn why Himalayan Salt is the best salt to use in order to preserve your health.
Tips for Himalayan Bath Salt for Anti-aging
Tips for Himalayan Bath Salt for Anti-aging
You may already know that the food you eat has a significant impact on your body hand, more specifically, on your skin. If you eat an unhealthy diet loaded with saturated fats and deficient in nutrients, your skin is going to show it by looking oily- you may also experience frequent breakouts and you could even develop early wrinkles. Though there are many “miracle products” on the market to reverse the signs of aging, the solution may actually be simpler than you think- Himalayan Bath Salt.
The Benefits of Floatation in the Sole of Himalayan Bath Salt
The Benefits of Floatation in the Sole of Himalayan Bath Salt
The floatation-tank sole bath is a special kind of bath. Floating in a crystal salt ocean, enclosed within the tank, is an extraordinary experience. Liberated from time, you travel deep into your innermost self. The Himalayan Salt floatation tank is a further development of the “Samadhi Tank” and the “Float Spa” applications. Dr John Lilly studied the human body in a state of zero gravity back in the 1950’s. His research initially served to provide NASA with a method for simulating zero gravity in their astronaut-training program. All floatation tanks are based on the same principle of floating in a sensory deprivation environment of highly concentrated saltwater.
The importance of Himalayan Pink Salt Iodine and Selenium for human body
The importance of Himalayan Pink Salt Iodine and Selenium for human body
Iodine is a mineral that tends to collect in oceans and brine pools- this explains its presence in Himalayan Pink Salt. This element is incredibly important for human health and deficiency can lead to a number of severe problems including the following:
Basic Himalayan Salt Pickling Brine and Orange-Spriced Beets
Basic Himalayan Salt Pickling Brine and Orange-Spriced Beets
In order to pickle vegetables with Himalayan Salt, you will need a basic pickling brine- a 2% brine is ideal for firm vegetables like carrots, beets, and beans. Pickling cucumbers may require a higher salinity, however, between 3.5% and 5%.
Himalayan Pink Salt for Women’s Health Issues
Himalayan Pink Salt for Women’s Health Issues
To be a woman nowadays means to adopt a variety of roles. Besides the classic images of a housewife, mother and loving partner, the woman of today also has to tackle jobs and contribute to the general financial support of the family. This multitasking requires a lot of energy and very often leads to chronic exhaustion. Women’s health issues include ailments such as menstrual pains, PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome), abdominal pains, yeast infections, vaginal dryness, bacterial and viral infections, menopausal discomfort, and more. The Himalayan Pink Salt kills bacteria, viruses and funguses and arrests their growth. The mucous membranes will become moist again and will rejuvenate, thus building up resistance against new infections.
Himalayan Salt for Bone Health
Himalayan Salt for Bone Health
If you suffer from hone or joint issues such as arthritis and osteoporosis, your doctor may have recommended that you watch your salt intake. Common table salt can indeed contribute to the leeching of calcium from your bones which exacerbates conditions like osteoporosis, but Himalayan Salt is another story. This type of salt is all natural- in fact, it contains 84 minerals that are essential for your body. One of those mineral is calcium.
Food from a Biophysical Point of View
Food from a Biophysical Point of View
Let’s take a look at the essence of the word food in general terms (and the German meaning of the word food) before we embark upon our discussion about the two most important food substances for the human body- water and salt. The German word for food is Lebensmittel, which literally translates to “means of life” or “transmitter” or “conveyor of life”. Food carries substance; it is a carrier of life force/ energy/ information/ consciousness. But what happens when food looses its life force through various methods of preparation, by chemical alteration or deconstruction? In actuality, food no longer is a “conveyor of life”, but becomes instead, a “conveyor of death.” Even when, from its chemical structure, it is still made of the identical matter as prior to its preparation.
The Science of Heal: How Salt Water Can Help Heal Cuts
The Science of Heal: How Salt Water Can Help Heal Cuts
I’m sure that at least once in your life, you experienced getting cuts or wounds, either accidentally or intentionally. But why the latter? Never mind, we’re not talking about suicidal matters here. We are here to discuss how salt water can help heal cuts, wounds and other things. As we all know, the skin is the largest organ in the body and is responsible for protecting our innards from dangerous bacterium and other microorganisms that can pose harm to our fragile, yet important body organs. Therefore, we can’t afford to leave cuts or wounds open, as they can be the gateway of hell to heaven, ultimately putting our overall health to danger.
The right diet from a Biophysical Perspective and Why Vegans have No Deficiencies
The right diet from a Biophysical Perspective and Why Vegans have No Deficiencies
THE RIGHT DIET FROM A BIOPHYSICAL PERSPECTIVE If you start your day with fresh fruit or wholemeal you will have an abundance of energy for your daily routine. Eat your vegetables either raw or slightly steamed instead of cooking them to death. In this way you will maintain the valuable structure, and with it, the energy content. Try to eat more alkaline foods because over acidity is the cause of many ills of the body. A balanced diet is composed of 75% alkaline and 25% acidic food. In general, alkaline foods include fruits, vegetables, greens and spelt. Acidic foods include grains (except spelt), meat, fish, eggs, milk products, animal fats, coffee, tea and alcohol.
Water and Salt-The Creation of Life
Water and Salt-The Creation of Life
It took Earth three to four billion years to create life through the interplay of sunlight, water and salt. Most of us have forgotten that we come from the ocean. But when we look at a sperm cell, we see that it consists of 99% water and 1% salt. Looking from this perspective, a sperm cell is just like a drop of the “mother ocean”.
Dispelling common Myths about Salt
Dispelling common Myths about Salt
There are too many myths about salt being bad for us, and it just isn’t true. Salt is needed in the human diet. It’s table salt that is unneeded, as after it’s processed it holds little to no significance health wise, and it is actually considered to be counterproductive and unhealthy. Listed below you’ll find some common salt myths and the lack of truth behind them. When salt was once considered to be precious and healthy for the body, it’s amazing how many people believe the myths listed below, when salt in fact is a helpful part of any diet.
How to Use Pure Natural Sea Salt Water to Treat Acnes
How to Use Pure Natural Sea Salt Water to Treat Acnes
For those of you who live near the ocean, you may already be using one of our greatest resources for your skin. For the rest of us, or for those of you who are new to this idea altogether, you won’t have the real thing but can still take advantage of it all the same. What are we talking about? Pure natural sea salt — a top acne mediation that works in a very short amount of time, or at least for those that don’t have a severe chronic acne condition.
The benefits of Potassium in Himalayan Salt in the body
The benefits of Potassium in Himalayan Salt in the body
Potassium is one of several macro-minerals found in abundance in Himalayan Salt and it is very important for your health. More specifically, the balance of sodium and potassium in your body is essential for cardiovascular health. If your diet is too high in sodium without complementary amounts of potassium, you could experience a number of health problems including high blood pressure and various forms of heart disease.
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